A second loss for 2013 docks Alberto Del Rio another rank, but the team-up between Sheamus & Randy Orton (& Big Show) means there's no jostling at the top. The unlikely duo first teamed at the beginning of the year [01/06/2013], meaning their was history to build upon for their placement in the Tag Team Rankings, as well!
#2 [+1] Randy Orton (18-7-1)
#3 [-1] Alberto Del Rio (17-2-1) [World Champion]
#4 [+2] Bryan Danielson (14-8-0) [Tag Team Champion]
#5 [+2] Kane (14-9-0) [Tag Team Champion]
#6 [-1] Ryback (13-4-0)
#7 [-3] Jack Swagger (12-0-1)
#8 [--] Mark Henry (11-2-0)
#9 [--] Big Show (11-9-1)
#10 [--] The Miz (10-6-1)
#1 [--] Kane & Bryan Danielson (9-3-0) [Tag Team Champions]
#2 [--] Sheamus & Randy Orton (6-0-0)
#3 [--] Brodus Clay & Tensai (4-1-1)
#4 [+1] Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns (3-0-0)
#5 [+1] Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins (3-0-0)
#6 [+1] Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins (3-0-0)
#7 [-3] Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso (3-2-0)
#8 [--] Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow (3-5-1)
#9 [new] Sheamus & Big Show (2-0-0)
#10 [new] Randy Orton & Big Show (2-0-0)
#16 Antonio Cesaro (7-16-1)
[United States Champion]
He may have claimed World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio's second loss on RAW, but the reigning US Champion is far from on top of the competition. Antonio Cesaro (aka; Claudio Castagnoli) has been on a rapid descent, taking losses on all three weekly shows in the build to Wrestlemania.
If there's anything I like less than non-title matches, it's repeating non-title matches where the champion constantly loses!
As is becoming tradition, you'd have to expect the once prestigious United States title to be relegated to little more than pre-show pap. Disappointing, given the unique intrigue Cesaro otherwise lends to the belt. His dead lift, no nonsense approach may strike some of the Entertainment era fans as bland, but I'm hungry to see him take on challengers in hardcore, no nonsense, catch-as-catch-can wrestling competitions! No, he won't be the next coming of Kurt Angle, but at a time when Brock Lesnar is grabbing headlines as the former UFC Heavyweight Champion turned WWE prodigal son, I think it's time to build credibility in the sport again.
The Kayfabe Countdown is based on the cumulative tally of wrestler win/loss records. Tallied results only include matches broadcast during WWE 2013 programming. At present, this includes RAW (Mondays), Main Event (Wednesdays), Smackdown (Friday), and monthly Pay-Per-View events.