Friday, August 16, 2019

Infinite Wars: Hellfire Club vs X-Men vs Nimrod

Salvation (Marvel)
Uncanny X-Men #209 When: September 1985 Why: Chris Claremont How: John Romita Jr & P Craig Russel

The Story So Far...
Tensions between the Hellfire Club and X-Men reach breaking point when the X-Man of the future, Rachel Summers, infiltrates the Inner Circle to avenge a fallen comrade by assassinating their Black Queen!

The attempt on Selene's life ends with a killing blow, but it's Wolverine executing lethal force against the renegade Summers. True to her mantle as Phoenix, however, the young mutant refuses to die, sending the Hellfire Club on a hunt for the wounded girl in Central Park!

The X-Men engage the Inner Circle in a battle for their teammate, but they aren't the only interested parties! As the heroes struggle to stay above ground, another threat descends from the sky: the Sentinel of the future - Nimrod!

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