Friday, February 21, 2020

Infinite Wars: Klaw vs Daredevil

Context! (Marvel)
Daredevil #237 When: December 1986
Why: John Harkness How: Louis Williams

The Story So Far...
An encounter with the sound manipulating mutant called Dazzler saw Klaw absorbed and dissipated when she used his powers to attack the world devourer: Galactus. Thus began a strange cosmic journey for the formless Klaw!

When The Beyonder summoned Galactus to Battleworld for his Secret Wars: Doctor Doom was able to discover and reform Klaw from his lifeless prison within the circuitry of Galactus' ship. Resurrection was brief, however, as the mad Master of Sound became a weapon against The Beyonder -- and then host for the cosmic being when it briefly surrendered its omnipotence!

Returned to Earth with his solid sound body in tact, Klaw becomes desperate to restore his reputation within the criminal ranks, and prove himself free from madness. Finding himself in New York City, he soon comes upon Daredevil: the perfect hero to prove he's still as dangerous as ever!

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