Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Infinite Wars: Guy Gardner vs Green Lantern

Hearts of Darkness, Eyes of Hate! (DC)
Justice Society of America #9 When: April 1993 Why: Len Strazewski How: Mike Parobeck

The Story So Far...
The Justice Society of America fought for truth, justice, and the American way throughout the 1940s, but when post-paranoia of the McCarthy era set in, they were driven underground by congressional hearings that turned masked heroes into figures of suspicion.

Decades later they return to fight the good fight, but when a current affairs program claims to have uncovered FBI files that prove they worked to spy on Americans, and sold their services to the Soviet Union, a fresh wave of paranoia turns the people against them!

As the owner of the network that made the false report, Alan Scott is quick to leap into action as The Green Lantern -- but it isn't long before he finds himself under attack by one of his loyal viewers: Guy Gardner!

Full Article: https://secretearths.blogspot.com/2020/05/guy-gardner-versus-alan-scott.html

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