Friday, June 26, 2020

Infinite Wars: Peregrine vs Angel


Chapter 4: Third Contest: Siege in the City of the Dead! (Marvel)
Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions #3 When: August 1982 Why: Mark Gruenwald, Steven Grant & Bill Mantlo How: John Romita Jr

The Story So Far...
Across the universe there exist immortal entities whose very being determines cosmic reality. The Grandmaster is one such entity: an Elder of the Universe whose taste for games inspires a Contest of Champions!

Snatching the world's heroes from a temporarily frozen Earth; The Grandmaster drafts a team of twelve to represent him in a contest of life and death! His team must race to find segments of a golden artifact scattered to the four corners of the world. His ultimate prize will be the restoration of his immortal brother: The Collector!

Collector was killed by the mad man-god Michael Korvac, but his passing is beyond even the vast cosmic reach of a fellow Elder. Thus, The Grandmaster issues his challenge to the ultimate opponent - Death herself!

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