Saturday, September 07, 2019

Infinite Wars: Batman vs Red Hood

The Killing Joke (DC)
Batman: The Killing Joke When: May 1988
Why: Alan Moore How: Brian Bolland

The Story So Far...
So this guy walks into a bar... He had a plum job working as a Lab Assistant for Ace Chemicals, but all he wants to be is a comedian. So what did he do? Up and quit his job to line up an audition! Only catch is: His girl Jeannie is waiting at home -- six months pregnant in a cruddy one-room apartment with the rent overdue!

So this guy goes to his audition with everything on the line. He's real nervous. He blows a punch line. He's dead! Nobody's laughing! The dream is over before it even began! He goes back home and all Jeannie can say is "oh". Guy feels like a total loser! She makes some joke about him being good in bed, but now all this guy can think about is needing cash. So where's he gonna come up with the loot? That's the joke!

After running around town humiliating himself the guy winds up right back where he started: Ace Chemicals! Only this time it's after hours, and a couple of mobsters convinced him to put on a tuxedo and red dome to guide them to the card store next door. It was bound to go bad, but at least it'll make a great story!

Original Post:

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