Monday, March 09, 2020

Infinite Wars: Savage Dragon vs Spawn

Messiah (Image)
Spawn #52 When: August 1996
Why: Todd McFarlane How: Greg Capullo

The Story So Far...
With a simple choice, Al Simmons was returned to the fires of Hell when he spent the last of his powers curing former friend, Terry Fitzgerald, of malignant cancer. The decision rescued his wife from the heartbreak of losing her new husband, but damned Spawn's soul to torment in the fourth level of Hell.

Enduring torturous reflection, and the extraction of his heart, Spawn is soon whisked to the fifth level, where he's greeted with the torment of praise. The coming of such a savior was foretold in scripture, but the fifth level denizens, tinted green with envy, are divided by their faith.

A prophet walks among them, predicting a forty thousand year wait for the one true savior. He is Officer Dragon: sent to Hell by the malicious Fiend. His vision is no more true than the religion it is based on, but he must never the less prove himself by the law of an eye for an eye -- even if it costs Spawn!

Full Original Article:

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